The assembly language referenced by the chapter is as follows. I've changed it slightly so that it uses the symbol "_start", since I am on Linux instead of OS X.
write "exit.asm" segment .text
global _start
mov eax,60 ; 60 is the exit syscall number on Linux
mov edi,5 ; the status value to return
syscall ; execute the system call
Building that program using the Yasm assembler on Linux can be done with the following command, which is explained in the book.
build exit.o exit.asm yasm -f elf64 -g dwarf2 exit.asm
Then, once we have the object file, we can turn it into an executable using the linker ld.
build exit exit.o ld -o exit exit.o
When we execute exit on the command line and check the return code for the process with $?, we find that 5 was indeed returned from the program. If we want to return 0, we just change the value that we put in the edi register.
write "s_exit.asm" segment .text
global _start
mov eax,60 ; 60 is the exit syscall number on Linux
mov edi,0 ; the status value to return
syscall ; execute the system call
We can assemble and link to produce an executable just as we did with exit.asm.
build s_exit s_exit.asm yasm -f elf64 -g dwarf2 s_exit.asm && ld -o s_exit s_exit.o
We can verify that the process produced by the executable s_exit returns 0 after it exits.